Friday, April 19, 2024
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Basic Kasha (Buckwheat Groats)

1 cup kasha 2 cups bouillon Bring the bouillon to a boil, stir in the kasha and return to boiling. Reduce the heat, cover the...

Basic Brown Rice

1 cup brown rice 2 1/2 cups bouillon Bring the bouillon to a boil, stir in the brown rice and return to boiling. Reduce the heat,...

Basic Barley

2 cups uncooked barley 6 cups bouillon Bring the bouillon to a boil, stir in the barley and return to boiling. Reduce the heat, cover the...

How to De-Gas Beans

If you're bothered by gas when you eat beans, try this cooking method.

Microwaving Eggplant

This is the easiest way to prepare eggplant and no oil is required, so you don't add unnecessary calories! Select a shiny, firm eggplant. Cut...

About Bouillon and Stock

You'll notice that lots of my recipes list bouillon as an ingredient. That's my shorthand for using a flavored liquid instead of water. When...


spice blend recipes from Diana Mirkin

Introduction to the Recipes

It's hard to go wrong when you cook with fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans. You don't need to worry about precise measurements, cooking...

Zippy Black Bean Dip

1 16-ounce can black beans, drained 1 clove garlic A few dashes of bottled hot sauce or chopped pickled jalapeno peppers, to taste 1 tablespoon rice vinegar...

Vera Mirkin’s No-Liver Chopped Liver

Gabe's mother lived to 106, so she must have done something right! This really does taste a lot like chopped chicken liver and it is...